Another historic first. Skippy* just might become the first US President to recipitate a war before even taking the oath of office. Nice.
[* - Somehow, it just fits as a tag handle for Barry O. Think that’s what I’m going to use from now on to refer to ‘the one’]
04 December 2008
The Obama Doctrine
Silent Running on Obama aka Skippy
22 November 2008
Bitchfest Alert
Cactus Kate and MandM's Madeleine are at war. See the comments section for ground zero.
As predicted, 'in a mud fight Cactus Kate might get Madeleine' (Madeleine does appear to be holding her own though), 'but Madeleine'd take out Cactus Kate with one arm tied behind her back in a battle of wits.'
Told you so.
As predicted, 'in a mud fight Cactus Kate might get Madeleine' (Madeleine does appear to be holding her own though), 'but Madeleine'd take out Cactus Kate with one arm tied behind her back in a battle of wits.'
Told you so.
16 November 2008
Vote for the Hottest Female Blogger
NotPC did a post recently on the hot female candidates in the election.
I thought it would be equally not PC to do a blog on the hot, right-wing female kiwi bloggers.
After a perusal I have settled on 3 finalists.
In alphabetical order:
BustedBlonde from Roarprawn

Hot, busty and blonde and look at her ride that lobster.
Cactus Kate from Asian Invasion.

Blonde, well made up, fun and self-assured.
Madeleine from MandM

Sexy brunette, sharp analytical mind and confident, (she is the only one who uses her own photo).
[update: I am reminded that Madeleine is now blonde]
So now I leave it to you to vote.
Which of the 3 finalists is the hottest right wing female blogger? Comment below and use the poll to the right.
I thought it would be equally not PC to do a blog on the hot, right-wing female kiwi bloggers.
After a perusal I have settled on 3 finalists.
In alphabetical order:
BustedBlonde from Roarprawn

Hot, busty and blonde and look at her ride that lobster.
Cactus Kate from Asian Invasion.

Blonde, well made up, fun and self-assured.
Madeleine from MandM
Sexy brunette, sharp analytical mind and confident, (she is the only one who uses her own photo).
[update: I am reminded that Madeleine is now blonde]
So now I leave it to you to vote.
Which of the 3 finalists is the hottest right wing female blogger? Comment below and use the poll to the right.
08 November 2008
01 November 2008
Is Winston Really an Alien?
Sunny O has a thing for lycra and fishnets (and Winston and Aliens):
Without a shred of evidence - I am certain of this.
Winston will already have been approached by the Dancing with the Stars people. They'd have to give him Rebecca (the others would be too tall). He's probably declined because I can't see him in skin tight fishnet shirts (more to the point, I won't watch that).But I am certain he's been approached.Sas' Magical Mystery Tour: separated at birth: #2
Aliens will fix world's problems - later today.
Relax, it's all going to be fine, a psychic called Blossom Goodchild says so., In fact, she says that benign aliens will "come in love", today, and sort things out for us. Possibly with vibrators. I only hope they're really hot & wearing lycra.Aliens to arrive today - psychic -
Without a shred of evidence - I am certain of this.
Winston will already have been approached by the Dancing with the Stars people. They'd have to give him Rebecca (the others would be too tall). He's probably declined because I can't see him in skin tight fishnet shirts (more to the point, I won't watch that).But I am certain he's been approached.Sas' Magical Mystery Tour: separated at birth: #2
Aliens will fix world's problems - later today.
Relax, it's all going to be fine, a psychic called Blossom Goodchild says so., In fact, she says that benign aliens will "come in love", today, and sort things out for us. Possibly with vibrators. I only hope they're really hot & wearing lycra.Aliens to arrive today - psychic -
27 October 2008
Are the Greens Really Green?
Mr Tips makes a very interesting observation.
Can ANYONE provide evidence of a piece of legislation promoted and promulgated through Parliament by the Green party that ACTUALLY deals with the environment or Green causes?
You see, I can't find one. Of course, the Emission's Trading Scheme is a Labour invention.
Coupled with David Farrar's post showing how the Greens would like to ban life in general, one can only come to the following conclusion:
They cannot be anything else, because as an agent for the environment, they suck... completely.
Can ANYONE provide evidence of a piece of legislation promoted and promulgated through Parliament by the Green party that ACTUALLY deals with the environment or Green causes?
You see, I can't find one. Of course, the Emission's Trading Scheme is a Labour invention.
Coupled with David Farrar's post showing how the Greens would like to ban life in general, one can only come to the following conclusion:
They cannot be anything else, because as an agent for the environment, they suck... completely.
24 October 2008
Do NZ Banks Need a State Guarantee?
Taken from Lost Soul:
ANZ National Bank, the country's biggest bank, reported a profit of NZ$1.16b after tax for the year to 30 September 2008 (, down only slightly from the year before.
Westpac NZ reported a profit of NZ$462m, up from NZ$348m, for the 9 months to September 2008 ($FILE/KIS+NZ+Jun+2008.pdf).
BNZ reported a profit of NZ$657m for the same period, up 9% from the year before ( reported a profit of NZ$515m, down slightly from the previous year, for the year to 30th June (
That's 90% of the NZ banking sector covered by those figures.Sound like business as usual? Pretty much. But, if you believe the hype, there is such a financial crisis going on that these big banks can't get by without a Crown guarantee of their deposits and other liabilities.
The Australian parents of the NZ four, the so called four pillars of the Australian banking also remain profitable, the odd hiccup not wiping out profits let alone capital.
While the banks and their creditors have been told they are expected to weather adversity without government assistance, now they are being given assistance when they don't even need it!
During times of financial and banking stress, weaker and worse managed banks fail or are taken over by stronger ones, and funds move to higher quality banks. This is exactly what has happened during this time of financial stress, in text-book fashion, yet the authorities are crying wolf and using the stress as an excuse to regulate, intervene and interfere.
I have a message for the saviours of the financial system: stop bluffing and posturing, and use this as an example of the kind of stress financial institutions are expected to weather without government assistance
ANZ National Bank, the country's biggest bank, reported a profit of NZ$1.16b after tax for the year to 30 September 2008 (, down only slightly from the year before.
Westpac NZ reported a profit of NZ$462m, up from NZ$348m, for the 9 months to September 2008 ($FILE/KIS+NZ+Jun+2008.pdf).
BNZ reported a profit of NZ$657m for the same period, up 9% from the year before ( reported a profit of NZ$515m, down slightly from the previous year, for the year to 30th June (
That's 90% of the NZ banking sector covered by those figures.Sound like business as usual? Pretty much. But, if you believe the hype, there is such a financial crisis going on that these big banks can't get by without a Crown guarantee of their deposits and other liabilities.
The Australian parents of the NZ four, the so called four pillars of the Australian banking also remain profitable, the odd hiccup not wiping out profits let alone capital.
While the banks and their creditors have been told they are expected to weather adversity without government assistance, now they are being given assistance when they don't even need it!
During times of financial and banking stress, weaker and worse managed banks fail or are taken over by stronger ones, and funds move to higher quality banks. This is exactly what has happened during this time of financial stress, in text-book fashion, yet the authorities are crying wolf and using the stress as an excuse to regulate, intervene and interfere.
I have a message for the saviours of the financial system: stop bluffing and posturing, and use this as an example of the kind of stress financial institutions are expected to weather without government assistance
19 October 2008
Faith and Reason a Defence
MandM give a great, basic, defence of the possibility of faith and reason being compatible.
MandM: Faith and Logic
MandM: Faith and Logic
17 October 2008
09 October 2008
Under Investigation
Have a blog wildly critical of the Labour party and Blogger puts you under investigation for having a spam blog?
First its knives if your lawn, now this!
First its knives if your lawn, now this!
08 October 2008
Pondering the New Zealand Election
Its one month til voting day and I am still deciding on who to vote for.
I have strong environmental concerns but I am not sure if the Greens are the vehicle to stand behind.
I have strong economic concerns but can National really fix the problem and will ACT be strong enough to make sure they do?
I have strong social concerns but do the Christian parties really get how the state works?
I have a month to decide.
I have strong environmental concerns but I am not sure if the Greens are the vehicle to stand behind.
I have strong economic concerns but can National really fix the problem and will ACT be strong enough to make sure they do?
I have strong social concerns but do the Christian parties really get how the state works?
I have a month to decide.
30 September 2008
Financial Panic? What panic?
From NZ Conservative
[Update Tuesday 930am, Bail-out rejected Wall Street Crashes 750 points]Pat yourself on the back. You've just become a historical footnote.Are you feeling "financially distressed"? Well, if not you should be. You should be either "distressed" or "panicked". Distress is what you feel after a speculative bubble implodes but panic is what you experience when what you though was the bottom turns out to be a ledge over a chasm. I'm reluctant to look down.
Neville Bennett of the National Business Review has done us the kind service of comparing financial "panics". Yes, it's a "panic". Of all panics from 1847 to 1929, Bennett asserts that 2008 is most similar to 1929 because of the relentless train of morbid news and annihilation of landmark institutions such as Lehman Brothers and Merrill Lynch.In other words, recollect yourself and prepare dusty anecdotes for future grandchildren, you've just passed through the most volatile week (Monday 22) of the most turbulent year since 1929.This week is the week after the week before and there's no guarantee of a solution.
The proposed $700billion intervention, called a bail-out by some, a buy-in by others, is the biggest US Government action since the Depression. It goes to Congress vote on Monday. There are rumours fizzing around on the details and some are addressed at this link "Myth vs Fact". [Update 940pm, here is the 110pg discussion draft]I don't know what to think, it's bewildering, more so if you also recall the baby-boomers are coming up to retirement age en masse and we, their children, are meant to be creating wealth at a level to sustain their long-assumed retirement incomes. This time around our "depression" will be on Facebook.
Familiarise yourself with past panics, crashes, and financial imbroglios:Panic of 1873.Panic of 1893.Panic of 1907.Crash of 1929.
Now might be a good time to look your finances in the eye and reorganise.
[Update Tuesday 930am, Bail-out rejected Wall Street Crashes 750 points]Pat yourself on the back. You've just become a historical footnote.Are you feeling "financially distressed"? Well, if not you should be. You should be either "distressed" or "panicked". Distress is what you feel after a speculative bubble implodes but panic is what you experience when what you though was the bottom turns out to be a ledge over a chasm. I'm reluctant to look down.
Neville Bennett of the National Business Review has done us the kind service of comparing financial "panics". Yes, it's a "panic". Of all panics from 1847 to 1929, Bennett asserts that 2008 is most similar to 1929 because of the relentless train of morbid news and annihilation of landmark institutions such as Lehman Brothers and Merrill Lynch.In other words, recollect yourself and prepare dusty anecdotes for future grandchildren, you've just passed through the most volatile week (Monday 22) of the most turbulent year since 1929.This week is the week after the week before and there's no guarantee of a solution.
The proposed $700billion intervention, called a bail-out by some, a buy-in by others, is the biggest US Government action since the Depression. It goes to Congress vote on Monday. There are rumours fizzing around on the details and some are addressed at this link "Myth vs Fact". [Update 940pm, here is the 110pg discussion draft]I don't know what to think, it's bewildering, more so if you also recall the baby-boomers are coming up to retirement age en masse and we, their children, are meant to be creating wealth at a level to sustain their long-assumed retirement incomes. This time around our "depression" will be on Facebook.
Familiarise yourself with past panics, crashes, and financial imbroglios:Panic of 1873.Panic of 1893.Panic of 1907.Crash of 1929.
Now might be a good time to look your finances in the eye and reorganise.
25 August 2008
I certainly ain’t feeling blue
From Phil's Blog
Call me pink, I certainly ain’t feeling blueSeptember 24th, 2008
Many of you will be surprised (or have some other emotion) that the Financial Advisers Bill has been passed before the election. Commerce Minister Lianne Dalziel made it clear that was her intention and many doubted her.
I didn’t. I reckon there will be plenty of other political surprises in the next month and a half – the biggest one of course will be a Labour victory. I haven’t written them off and, yes I’m a bit of a lone wolf in this industry of ours, suggesting that Helen Clark could well be leading the next government.
One of the contrary things is that the finance industry tends to be reasonably conservative (no social concscience I hear in the background!) Quite a few people are highly active within National, others were unlikely enough to have their names included in Nicky Hagar’s book The Hollow Men. But the reality the Clark-led governments have been great for us. Why would you get rid of them?
I have no idea what National stands for or what it would do to help savings (other than its panacea for everything – tax cuts) and absolutely not a clue what it thinks of KiwiSaver.
Labour on the other hand has a long list of achievements starting with the NZ Super Fund, moving through to providing certainty around the state pension (for the record it is NZ Super NOT National Super), KiwiSaver, tax changes including the PIE regime (which is massive for us) and now more regulation around the advisory sector.
You could argue few industries have had more support and encouragement over the past nine year than savings.
I would have thought with these sorts of achievements the savings industry should be cheering on Labour.It’s hard to get excited about what National has to offer, as we just don’t know. There is talk that it would cut back the employer contribution for KiwiSaver. That wouldn’t win it too many friends and from my perspective as an employer I’m happy helping my team.
Feel free to comment!
Call me pink, I certainly ain’t feeling blueSeptember 24th, 2008
Many of you will be surprised (or have some other emotion) that the Financial Advisers Bill has been passed before the election. Commerce Minister Lianne Dalziel made it clear that was her intention and many doubted her.
I didn’t. I reckon there will be plenty of other political surprises in the next month and a half – the biggest one of course will be a Labour victory. I haven’t written them off and, yes I’m a bit of a lone wolf in this industry of ours, suggesting that Helen Clark could well be leading the next government.
One of the contrary things is that the finance industry tends to be reasonably conservative (no social concscience I hear in the background!) Quite a few people are highly active within National, others were unlikely enough to have their names included in Nicky Hagar’s book The Hollow Men. But the reality the Clark-led governments have been great for us. Why would you get rid of them?
I have no idea what National stands for or what it would do to help savings (other than its panacea for everything – tax cuts) and absolutely not a clue what it thinks of KiwiSaver.
Labour on the other hand has a long list of achievements starting with the NZ Super Fund, moving through to providing certainty around the state pension (for the record it is NZ Super NOT National Super), KiwiSaver, tax changes including the PIE regime (which is massive for us) and now more regulation around the advisory sector.
You could argue few industries have had more support and encouragement over the past nine year than savings.
I would have thought with these sorts of achievements the savings industry should be cheering on Labour.It’s hard to get excited about what National has to offer, as we just don’t know. There is talk that it would cut back the employer contribution for KiwiSaver. That wouldn’t win it too many friends and from my perspective as an employer I’m happy helping my team.
Feel free to comment!
18 August 2008
Fiscal Crisis
You have probably heard about the world’s financial crisis which has unveiled over the last 24 hours - but investment news can be confusing to understand at the best of times. Do you know what is going on?
The Situation
The New York Stock Market saw the worst sell-off day in years yesterday, as Lehman Brothers, the fourth largest Wall Street investment bank, went under - filing for bankruptcy. Another financial management company, Merrill Lynch, then agreed to a takeover by the Bank of America, which sparked a global sell-off the stock market.
The firms plunged because of their enormous exposure to the US subprime mortgage market. This collapse is the cause for the global credit crunch, which will have worldwide effects. Economists are predicting more firms to fall into the same situation (insurance giant AIG has just been rescued by the US Government with an $85 billion emergency loan), particularly for companies with debt linked to mortgages.
How does this affect you?
While The Reserve Bank says NZ does not have much direct exposure to Lehman Brothers, AIG has 45,000 NZ customers, including some of our biggest companies. New Zealand banks are also largely owned by Australian parents, many of whom have reported direct exposure to the affected US firms.
The impact of the world financial crisis may mean New Zealand’s expected economy recovery may slow down or even not happen at all over the next year. The fall of the US firms will flow through to NZ shares and the NZ dollar, and may have significant effects on New Zealand savings schemes such as pensions, Kiwisaver and the New Zealand Superannuation Fund. Savings rates may also plunge, and mortgage rates could stay higher for longer.
Keep up to date with the financial crisis by keeping tabs on the business news headlines on
The Situation
The New York Stock Market saw the worst sell-off day in years yesterday, as Lehman Brothers, the fourth largest Wall Street investment bank, went under - filing for bankruptcy. Another financial management company, Merrill Lynch, then agreed to a takeover by the Bank of America, which sparked a global sell-off the stock market.
The firms plunged because of their enormous exposure to the US subprime mortgage market. This collapse is the cause for the global credit crunch, which will have worldwide effects. Economists are predicting more firms to fall into the same situation (insurance giant AIG has just been rescued by the US Government with an $85 billion emergency loan), particularly for companies with debt linked to mortgages.
How does this affect you?
While The Reserve Bank says NZ does not have much direct exposure to Lehman Brothers, AIG has 45,000 NZ customers, including some of our biggest companies. New Zealand banks are also largely owned by Australian parents, many of whom have reported direct exposure to the affected US firms.
The impact of the world financial crisis may mean New Zealand’s expected economy recovery may slow down or even not happen at all over the next year. The fall of the US firms will flow through to NZ shares and the NZ dollar, and may have significant effects on New Zealand savings schemes such as pensions, Kiwisaver and the New Zealand Superannuation Fund. Savings rates may also plunge, and mortgage rates could stay higher for longer.
Keep up to date with the financial crisis by keeping tabs on the business news headlines on
26 June 2008
Prince Caspian
Prince Caspian, the second installment in the Narnia series, is officially released tomorrow nationwide (26 June) and by all accounts is a far darker and, dare I say, more grown up film than the original Narnia outing.
I've not yet seen this fantasy epic, but with its enticing trailer and some positive audience reviews I've read, I'm building up a healthy excitement. It also seems far too long ago that we got to marvel at the stunning New Zealand scenery on the big screen.
It's quite a lengthy film at nearly 2 hours 30 minutes, but having been propelled into a magical nether world (otherwise known as New Zealand), you don't want to return to reality too soon!
I've not yet seen this fantasy epic, but with its enticing trailer and some positive audience reviews I've read, I'm building up a healthy excitement. It also seems far too long ago that we got to marvel at the stunning New Zealand scenery on the big screen.
It's quite a lengthy film at nearly 2 hours 30 minutes, but having been propelled into a magical nether world (otherwise known as New Zealand), you don't want to return to reality too soon!
31 March 2008
Adrenaline Junkie
Having just watched the video of a friend's recent skydiving exploits, I'm reminded of how much (curiously) I really want to try this activity for myself. Some years ago I watched similar footage of another friend taking the plunge in Taupo and immediately felt this was the place to make my tandem skydiving ambitions a reality. Why? Well it's just so New Zealand!Adrenaline acts in high places are a common theme all over New Zealand, as well as a number of softer, yet equally lofty pursuits.
In Auckland, the southern hemisphere's tallest building provides an excellent jumping off point for well... jumping off! 192m straight down. Other visitors use the lift. As previously mentioned, tandem skydiving is on offer in Taupo , as well as Queenstown and Wanaka, so participants can choose which spectacular views to admire on the descent - mountains and lakes or volcanoes and lakes. Hot air ballooning is always a favourite and an activity I can heartily recommend. Gliding across the Canterbury Plains at sunrise is simply magical.
I've yet to try ballooning over the vineyards of Hawkes Bays, but there is time.There are other ways to reach new heights in New Zealand (or plunge from them) including bungy jumping, heli-hiking and all number of scenic flights, but in my opinion, nothing matches the thrill and the grace of hang-gliding (tandem of course). From the initial adrenaline surge of running off the edge of the Remarkables Range outside of Queenstown to suddenly finding myself silently soaring across the skies above the Wakatipu Basin this was an experience to savour.
In Auckland, the southern hemisphere's tallest building provides an excellent jumping off point for well... jumping off! 192m straight down. Other visitors use the lift. As previously mentioned, tandem skydiving is on offer in Taupo , as well as Queenstown and Wanaka, so participants can choose which spectacular views to admire on the descent - mountains and lakes or volcanoes and lakes. Hot air ballooning is always a favourite and an activity I can heartily recommend. Gliding across the Canterbury Plains at sunrise is simply magical.
I've yet to try ballooning over the vineyards of Hawkes Bays, but there is time.There are other ways to reach new heights in New Zealand (or plunge from them) including bungy jumping, heli-hiking and all number of scenic flights, but in my opinion, nothing matches the thrill and the grace of hang-gliding (tandem of course). From the initial adrenaline surge of running off the edge of the Remarkables Range outside of Queenstown to suddenly finding myself silently soaring across the skies above the Wakatipu Basin this was an experience to savour.
04 March 2008
Portugese wave power station
Wave power is seen by some as the holy grail of renewable energy but it hasn’t become a commercial reality - until now that is - the world’s first commercial wave power farm has gone live in Portugal using pelamis sea snakes.
There’s been talk about harnessing the power of the ocean around NZ for sime time with the most recent attempt being the Crest Energy in the Kaipara.
Early in 2007 PGP director Chris Curlett said he thought “the first wave farm could be fully commissioned in New Zealand within the next two-and-a-half to three years. And that would be operational, feeding power direct into the grid … There’s no question that New Zealand’s got the most marvellous wave pattern for marine energy all the way up the west coast.” Read more »
There’s been talk about harnessing the power of the ocean around NZ for sime time with the most recent attempt being the Crest Energy in the Kaipara.
Early in 2007 PGP director Chris Curlett said he thought “the first wave farm could be fully commissioned in New Zealand within the next two-and-a-half to three years. And that would be operational, feeding power direct into the grid … There’s no question that New Zealand’s got the most marvellous wave pattern for marine energy all the way up the west coast.” Read more »
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